OGF strongly condemns the lies, deceptions, and false claims of the Ethiopian government that  Oromos in the diaspora support its war effort against Tigray

Published Aug. 31, 2021, 3:01 p.m. by FNN



Oromia Global Forum (ogfonline.org) strongly condemns the Ethiopian government lies that diaspora Oromos support his campaign against Tigray.


 Oromia Global Forum strongly condemns the lies, deceptions, and false claims of the Ethiopian government that 

Oromos in the diaspora support its war effort against Tigray 

To our dismay, on August 28, 2021, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s mouthpiece - Fana Broadcasting Corporation (FBC) - posted a news piece that the Oromo Diaspora declared their support for the Ethiopian government’s war against the Tigray People’s Liberation Front. FBC masqueraded a few faces as members of the Oromo diaspora, most of whom, in reality, are Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s Amhara supporters with only one or two Oromo individuals who returned to Ethiopia and are currently living on Abiy Ahmed’s handouts. 

We, at Oromia Global Forum (OGF), would like our people to know that we, Oromos in the diaspora represented by the Oromia Global Alliance (OGF) have never supported, and never will support the Abiy government who has embarked on dismantling Oromia, destroying our identity, and committing genocide on our people, and other peoples in Ethiopia, such as the people Tigray, Benishangul-Gumuz, Sidama, Kimant, Agaw, etc. 

The full statement is attached below. 


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