OLA press release on the leaked ruling party document

Published Dec. 10, 2021, 8:41 a.m. by FNN



 No Power under the Sun can stop the Oromo Struggle for Freedom! 

(OLF-OLA High Command Press Release) 

The Oromo struggle for self-determination and emancipation of our people has a recognized just cause and clear end goals without the attainment of which the movement shall not relent. While forming strategic and tactical alliances are an important component of achieving these objectives, the Oromo struggle has always relied primarily on the ingenuity and resources of its own sons and daughters. This is especially true now when the movement has reached new heights. 

Cognizant of these facts, the fascistic ‘government’ of Abiy Ahmed is leaving no stone unturned to reverse our gains in the frontlines, and should that fail, to muddy up and conceal the achievements made by the Oromo Liberation Army in recent months. In an internal letter addressed to its US-based mouthpiece, the Ethiopian Satellite Television and Radio (ESAT), the regime’s Media Authority writes: 

“You must not report about the areas retaken by the government from OLF-Shene because we are planning to retake these areas through covert operations without telling the public that any of these places were under OLF- Shene’s control from the very beginning. Even if the government retakes areas controlled by OLF-Shene reporting that the government liberated areas from them would be recognizing that they have been in control of these areas. What is expected from you to repeatedly report ‘OLF-Shene killed innocent civilians and they have never taken control of a single Kebele.” 

By so doing, the regime is trying to create an ‘alternative reality’ through eradicating almost all other media voices and using its own media propaganda. We also have credible evidence that preparations are underway to deploy Abiy’s troops with artificial wigs to impersonate members of OLA to commit atrocities in an effort to distance OLA from the Oromo people while lending 

some credence to the ‘alternative reality being manufactured, and to stage a fake ‘home-coming’ of members of the liberation army to Finfinnes by parading its own ‘wig-wearing soldiers’ in front of its media outlets. 
Continue to read more below.

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